Sea Food

Hello and Welcome

Health Benefits U is first and foremost an advocate for raising awareness about the importance of maintaining  good health both physically and mentally.

I started this company because like many of you reading this, we want better health for our selves and our family. And I love helping people.

As a child growing up in the Caribbean, Sea Moss was just a natural part of my life because we lived so close to the Ocean . When we would go to the beach. I remember  running away from the Sea Moss as the waves brushed it up against my leg…. I never liked  the way it felt. (creepy) lol.

Who would have thought I would be running to it as and adult. lol (full circle moment)



Gently grown in unpolluted

warm Atlantic waters of the Caribbean. Nourished by the ocean, then dried by the sun. Never bleached with chemicals and no fertilizers used ever. Raw and organic. High in iodine and magnesium for thyroid function. Sea moss contains collagen for skin, joints & connective tissues and helps muscles recover after an intense workout. Helps to reduce mucus, inflammation and balances hormones, and increases libido.



Sea Moss contains 92 minerals of the 102 minerals that the human body consists of that are vital for our daily survival. We make it into a gel by hand. It is often used as a nutritious thickening agent, the raw, blended sea moss gel serves as an excellent vegan substitute for gelatin, nuts, fats and carbohydrates. Common uses include shakes, smoothies, sauces, desserts and so much more.

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